Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Story in a box

Jeremy could not wait for his class trip to South Africa.  Jeremy had oil colored complexion with blue eyes. He had wanted to go ever since the trip had been announced way back at the beginning of the school year. Now that the time was finally here for him to board the plane, he was nervous. Once he sat down in his seat, he thought about home and how he was going to miss his two story house, with the nice chimney and the balcony right outside his room.
The plane started to take off, he looked to his left and saw one of his close friends Sam. Sam was known to be afraid of flying. She was one of those people who got motion sickness. Sam was holding a blanket with a floral design. To take her mind of the motion Jeremy asked Sam what she was most excited for on the trip.
Sam then started to talk about how she was excited to go canoeing in the little canoes that they had seen in the brochure. It was exciting to her to think that she was going to be going down the river in a canoe made of bark, by an African American who had long earlobes that touched his shoulders.
Before they realized what time it was, the flight attendant had started to come around to ask if anyone would like to purchase anything.  Jeremy and Sam were then given a little booklet with all sorts of different things in it. Sam was very interested in a plate that had red and black painting on it. She thought about how interesting it would be to eat off once she was back home.
Jeremy decided that he was going to buy little jar that had blue and green wave design on it. The bottom on the jar you could see through. He also found it very interesting because there was a cork top to it. He then proceeded to take out his wallet. On Jeremy’s wallet, there was a design with elephants and monkeys and a tree. He opened the snapped and from one of the pockets, he pulled out a ten dollar bill.
When the flight attendant came back around, she handed Jeremy some brown nuts.  Jeremy decided that he was going to save them for later. He reached into his backpack and opened the biggest compartment. He found a little pouch that he then put them in. He kept looking and then pulled out a ruler that was 12 inches long and with that he pulled out a stamp that one of his teachers had given him. The stamp had a dragon on it, with on the bottom there was a symbol that he had yet to know what it meant. He reminded himself that he was to ask her once he got back.
Jeremy then decided that it would be best for him to sleep some because this was going to be a long flight. While he was going to sleep, he saw a little boy who was playing with a wooden figure that was painted on just one side. In the figurines hand he saw a little drum. With that Jeremy went into a deep sleep and thought about how fun these next few days were going to be for him.

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