Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to look for errors in your papers!

Different ways to look for errors in your papers
1)      Have someone read your paper for you.
2)      Read out loud your paper slowly so that you are able to hear the mistakes.
3)      Make sure that there is enough time between from when you are done writing the paper, and when you are editing the paper.
4)      Read the paper backwards.
5)      You want to make sure that you set time for you to proofread the paper before you turn it in, just like you set time apart in your day to write the paper.
6)      Use different resources for your mistakes. If you find yourself using the same word, you want to make sure that you are using different words that have the same meaning. You can use
a.       Dictionaries
b.      Thesauruses
7)      Know what mistakes are the ones that you usually make. If you are able to know what mistakes you are most likely to make, then you are able to see them more clearly in your paper. Once you know those errors, know how to fix them.
8)      Make sure that you read your paper more than once. If you read it enough times you will be able to have most of the errors out of the paper.
9)      Role-play. While reading your paper, put yourself in your audience’s shoes. This way you are able to have an idea of how your audience might see your paper.

I got my information above from two different websites:

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